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School of Clinical Medicine


We are delighted to offer two postgraduate funds for travel, conferences and other costs in support of postgraduate study.


The funding opportunities we can offer are detailed below:


Isabelle Bouhon Fund

The Isabelle Bouhon Fund was established by Mme Bouhon-Bustin along with other donors in memory of her daughter, Isabelle Bouhon, to promote the education and recognition of early-stage researchers in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Isabelle was a dedicated scientist whose contribution to the development of defined conditions for neural differentiation from ES cells will endure and have lasting impact.

The principal objective of the Isabelle Bouhon Fund is to promote the education and recognition of excellent researchers who are at an early stage of their academic careers in the University in the field of Regenerative Medicine. The Managers of the Isabelle Bouhon Fund intend to provide funds annually to support travel/collaboration scholarships, particularly to present research, and for training courses.

Who is this for: To apply you must be a postgraduate student or postdoc, undertaking research in the biology and therapy of tissue regeneration.

What does it cover: Individual awards will be limited to £300 for travel within the UK, £750 for travel in the EU and £1000 for international travel. Applicants will only be supported by the Isabelle Bouhon fund for up to £1000 in an academic year. Applicants can only apply once in any three year period.

How to apply: Please submit the application 6 weeks before funding is required. If approved, you will receive reimbursement for your expenses up to the approved limit upon receival of receipts and expenditure invoice. 

Please submit your application here.

Application deadline: Please apply at least 6 weeks before funding is required. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis

E. G. Fearnside Fund

The E. G. Fearnside scholarship was founded and endowed by the members of the Fearnsides family in memory of E. G. Fearnsides, M.A. (Trinity Hall), M.D., FRCP, who was drowned at Four Mile Bridge, Anglesey, on 26 June 1919. This fund is called the E. G. Fearnsides Research Scholarship and is devoted to the encouragement of original clinical research on the organic diseases of the nervous system. 

Who is this for: To apply you must be a postgraduate student or postdoc, undertaking research on the organic diseases of the nervous system.

What does it cover: The maximum award for successful candidates travelling in Europe will be £600. The maximum award for successful candidates travelling outside of Europe will be £1000. Applicants can only apply once in any three year period.

How to apply: Please submit the application 6 weeks before funding is required. If approved, you will receive reimbursement for your expenses up to the approved limit upon receival of receipts and expenditure invoice. 

Please submit your application here.

Application deadline: Please apply at least 6 weeks before funding is required. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis