To improve our understanding of the progression of neurodegenerative disease, and the mechanisms involved, we need to combine different types of neuroimaging, and integrate it with clinical and genetic data.
Project aims
This PhD will focus on data from the ExPRESS study (an MRC Rare Disease Node) and the Cambridge Centre for Parkinsons Plus Disorders to investigate atypical parkinsonian disorders (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Corticobasal Syndrome, and Multiple Systems Atrophy).
The PhD will involve learning how to curate and preprocess data from a multicentre study, and integrate structural MRI, functional MRI, and diffusion tensor imaging to achieve a more accurate understanding of disease progression across these disorders, and to develop biomarkers for use in clinical trials.
The neuroimaging data will be integrated with genetic and clinical data to validate the biomarkers and to build comprehensive models of disease. The successful applicant will have some experience with neuroimaging analysis, and/or advanced statistical analysis with a willingness to learn and apply mathematical models to clinical datasets.
Contact details
Dr Tim Rittman (
This opportunity is open to PhD applicants.