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The project will be focussed on two key aspects of digital psychiatry, electronic health record research and mobile phone based monitoring.

Through the NIHR/Office of Life Sciences Mental Health Mission, Cambridge psychiatry and Careloop Health ( are working together to use the Careloop health app to gather symptom, quality of life, and environmental exposure data in a national cohort of thousands of patients with first episode psychosis.

In selected participating Trusts, the Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) data will be integrated with key data fields from the electronic health record in a dashboard.

Project aims

This project will enable the student to develop a PhD plan, which could focus on areas such as

  • Optimisation of data gathering protocols
  • Analysis of development of clinical prediction models and/or clinical decision support tools
  • Patient and staff acceptability/utility of patients/staff facing products

The placement in Careloop health will provide an exceptional training digital psychiatry opportunity in a digital mental health company that has leading experience in engagement with the NHS and in evidence based medicine and clinical trials. T

he student will also, if appropriate, have opportunities to engage in other collaborations of Cambridge Psychiatry or Careloop Health, and collaborate with other project partners such as UCL and University of Birmingham.

Contact details

Graham Murray -


This project is open to applicants who want to do a:

  • PhD